Tag Archives: Formula 1

Another wet Silverstone 2012?

7 Jul

What a brilliant idea it seemed then.
But the weather was awful… again!
It rained and it poured
All the pleas were ignored
For a dry and a sunny weekend.
I mean Silverstone, home of F1!
Oh I hope they can get a dry run.
‘Cos the track in the rain
Makes the race look insane…
It’s no fun for the crowds, they want sun!

I’ve been there in the sun and the rain.
When you’re camping, the rain is a pain.
It makes everything damp
And you feel like a tramp!
With your feet soaked from soggy terrain!
I’ll be watching the race from the start
I just hope that the rain will depart
To leave blue sky for all
Let the fans have a ball!
Big good luck to all those taking part.
I wonder who’ll win on the day
It depends on the weather I’d say
If it’s wet? What a mess,
And no way I could guess
But I hope it’s Alonso! Olé!!